Lisa Curry, one of Australia’s most famous swimmers, has teamed up with naturopath Jeff Butterworth to bring us Happy Healthy You, a fantastic book that is part health guide and part cookbook. We chatted with the fabulous Lisa to talk health, diet culture and her favourite recipes.
How did the idea of the book come about?
We have over half a million women that we speak to daily in all our social media groups and we know and understand the health issues they have so we wanted to condense all of our major health and wellness tips and information into one resource. Half the book is fabulous information that you apply right now, the other half is 100 nutritious recipes.
What is your favourite recipe in the book?
Anything with a Mexican flavour and the Soul Bowl Miso Salmon. Also, if you ever wondered what a Hormonal Specialist eats, this is it. Jeff has been eating meals like this pretty much his whole life!
Are there any recipes that didn't make it in the book?
Yes of course! All the recipes that didn’t make the book are on our website. We have specialty meal plans for weight loss , glowing skin and our Happy Reset Program is a fabulous 4-week plan divided into 4 weeks to Cleanse, Detox, Nourish & Energise.
We are living through a body positivity era, how difficult is it to walk that fine line between being body positive as well as acknowledge the need to be healthy and eat healthy?
Well to be honest, if your body isn’t healthy on the inside, regardless of how you look on the outside, you will feel the consequences in time. The consequences are not apparent straight away, it could manifest in years . Don’t automatically think that a skinny person is healthy. We write about this in the book.
How have you seen diet culture change over your career?
In my early days there was really not much education about nutrition and for me it was just trial and error. I must emphasise that now, it’s really important to do your own research and to follow and listen to people who are educated and have the correct knowledge. Our staff at Happy Healthy You are trained practitioners so you know you’re in good hands.
You also have a skincare and supplement line, how important is your skincare routine and can you talk us through it?
The older I get the more I need to look after myself, particularly having the last 4 years of trauma, grief and anxiety and basically doing nothing and emotionally eating and eating poorly. I stopped caring about myself and for myself so I absolutely know the consequences. When your body is not healthy and fit, it shows, particularly in your skin and shape. Thank goodness for our skincare range because it’s amazing and it’s saved my lifetime of being in the sun and chlorine. I also have my routine of Happy Hormones, Happy Collagen, and MSP. These are my favourite products for me. Everyone is different so what supplements they will use will be tailored for their needs and lifestyle. This is why our free assessment is so valuable for ladies.
You are so interlinked with your athletic persona, do you sometimes just not feel like eating well, exercising, being mindful?
Haha, that’s a good question. I am absolutely an 80/20 girl. 80% of the time do the right thing by my body and mind and 20% of doing what I like and to have fun. Always remember it’s what you do “most of the time”. You only have one life. Do the right thing and live your own best life .