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It's Britney!

In a quaint art gallery in Paris you can get a close up of Britney Spears pre-conservatorship in a black and white photo sitting amongst a colourful melange of works of art.

Take a closer look at Britney Spears as captured by photographer Mark Seliger in 2001. The black and white photograph is part of the Failures exhibition that will be held at the Les Filles du Calvaire art gallery in Paris. The exhibition is bringing together the works of Katinka Lampe, Frances Goodman and Marius Fouquet, with the show drawing parallels between Britney and Alice in Wonderland and how the two made their way in a maze where reality became distorted. The exhibition will be held from June 29 to September 21, but please note that like any real Parisian business, the show will be on hold from July 30 to August 30 for the summer break.


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